I haven't been making much, I did finish a Mario crochet plushie. I made it for my fiance it was his birthday on February 25th. I'm still working on some beads, but I want to do more. I want to make more with the beads than just jewelry. I've also been wanting to scrapbooks so I've been taking pictures so I can later edit and develop. I'm also thinking of making photo editing tutorials, and maybe some craft ones. I want to think of more crafty things you can do with things around the house. Lately I've been trying to find a job too. Its been hard, but I know I'll soon find one.
Last week My fiance and I went to Baker city,Oregon. We went there for a little event the ride there was more fun we think than the event. The mountains looked beautiful.
I'm thinking this week or the next to start blogging some more. I'll probably start off with some photo editing tutorials, or paper crafts. Or just showing you guys some ideas. Tell me what you think would be some fun ideas for some crafts.
Here's some pictures of the Mario plushie. You can find the pattern on Raverly.com
Here is when he was done, I didn't have the eye buttons but I thought he looked good with out the eyes.
Here is a bracelet I worked on, I'm still practicing getting the wire loops just right.
This was on my Fiance Nathans birthday. I like the picture I'm thinking of putting this in our scrapbook.
Here I made him a necklace. With the paper beads, mixed with some wooden beads.
You can't really see but here is a picture of one of the mountains on our way to Oregon. Doesn't the cloud look awesome?

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